n  to have butterflies in one’s stomach 非常緊張


n  to have a bee in one’s bonnet 胡思亂想


n  to have ants in one’s pants 坐立難安


n  to put a bug in one’s ear 給人暗示或警告


n  to be a fly on the wheel 妄自尊大;不自量力


n  to be bitten by a … bug 感興趣


n   to make a beeline for 直奔趨之若鶩





n  the bee’s knees 了不起的人或事

Her new roadster is simply the bee’s knees.

n  as busy as a bee 非常忙碌

I was as busy as a bee all weekend.

n  as merry as a cricket  開心的

I felt as merry as a cricket as I waited for my friend to arrive at the airport.

n  bug-eyed 目瞪口呆,訝異

The little boy was bug-eyed when he got a new bicycle for his birthday.

n  a flea in (someone’s) ear 刺耳的話;譏諷

I put a flea in our supervisor’s ear when I told him about the computer problems.

n  (as) snug as a bug in a rug 非常舒適

n  a social butterfly 交際花

n  fly in the ointment 令人掃興的事或人;美中不足之處

n  knee-high to a grasshopper 兒時

n  like a moth to a flame 飛蛾撲火



~~資料來源~~ 遠東高中 陳版 第一冊 第九課


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