格言諺語學英語》師父引進門,修行在個人 |
2009/02/23 |
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. 【執筆/台科大應用外語系助理教授黃玟君】 這諺語直譯是「你可以引導一隻馬到水邊,但你不能強迫牠喝水」,意思就是「你可以要別人或告訴別人怎麼做一件事,但如果對方不願意聽從,你最終還是無法強迫對方完全照你的心意做」。最近台灣島內最熱門的新聞便是前第一家庭的貪污洗錢案。照理說若罪證確鑿,犯錯者應該勇於認錯,並乞求社會原諒,但涉案人往往不認為自己有罪,即使道歉也是點到為止,讓人不禁感嘆you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink,的確,這種事除非當事人真的痛定思痛、真心改過,旁人實在無法強迫其改變,只能留待司法判決! 實用對話Conversation
B: What's wrong? Haven't you been prepping him for stardom? A: That's right. We've been sending him to talent schools since he was little. He has studied drawing, music,singing, dancing, posture... B: So what happened? A: He decided to take up the culinary arts. He wants to become a chef someday. His future is doomed! B: Sigh. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Being a chef isn't half bad. I guess you should just let him be. A: 我真是快被我家的小查氣死了!我為他所花的錢都白費了… B: 怎麼了?你不是一直在栽培他成為明星嗎? A: 是啊,我們從小就讓他上才藝班,學畫畫、音樂、唱歌、舞蹈、美姿美儀… B:結果呢? A: 結果他現在竟然決定去作菜、當廚師!他前途無亮了! B: 唉,師父引進門,修行在個人。當廚師也不差。我看你就讓他順其自然吧。 字彙Vocabulary (have) had it 受夠了;忍無可忍 fortune (n.) 鉅款 go down the drain 前功盡棄;付諸流水 prep (v.) 使做好準備 stardom (n.) 演藝圈;明星身份 talent school 才藝學校 posture (n.) 姿態 take up 開始從事 culinary (adj.) 廚房的;烹飪的 chef (n.) 廚師 future (n.) 未來 doomed (adj.) 注定失敗的 lead (v.) 引導 let (someone, something, etc.) be 順其自然 (本欄每周日刊登) 【2009-02-15/聯合報/C3版/教育】
source:http://mag.udn.com/mag/campus/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=179479 |
- Feb 26 Thu 2009 13:01
諺語:You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.